Social Distancing in Construction
How to rapidly deploy a contract tracing solution on your construction site
In order for construction sites to remain operational, it is essential that the construction industry leverage technology to effectively enforce social distancing and quickly carry out contact tracing where required. Once DataScope became aware of this, our team set out developing DataTrace, which has seen success across a number of sites already including a major data center project in Europe. As well as being a powerful contact tracing solution, DataTrace allows sites to continue working efficiently by alerting workers when they come within a certain distance of one another. During lockdown, our research and development team worked hard researching, testing and trialing a contact tracing and social distancing solution that would both be highly effective in a construction site environment as well as quick to roll out.
Why tags?
- Wearable tags are both easy to set up with our app, and do not require operatives to download anything to their personal device, both saving time and ensuring buy-in and participation across the onsite workforce.
- While our tags allow for operative contact tracing, they do not store exact operative location data.
System Integration
- If you already have a DataScope Time & Attendance solution set up on site, our solution couldn’t be any quicker to set up. Using our app, site teams can quickly scan the QR code on the back of a tag and assign it to an operative from the database.
Rapid Contact Tracing
- If an operative reports that they are unwell, authorised team members can quickly interrogate the system to pinpoint exactly who the individual has been in contact with, allowing them to take quick decisive action and help to keep the site operational where possible.
“Contact tracing and social distancing solutions are going to be fundamental to the re-growth of the construction industry and keeping sites’ productivity up whilst adhering to government guidance is our main priority. To launch a successful system in such short notice is something the DataScope team are immensely proud of.” Adrian Butt, Managing Director
How else DataScope can help
- To aid social distancing we’re able to move turnstiles and add extra entrances, with the system updated to allow for enhanced spot checks and our Remote Worker App updated to allow for swipe on rugged tablets via QR codes.
- We have updated our T&A admin system to include time constraints to help enforce staggered shift times.
- Our dashboard solution allows managers to view the operative data collected in a location specific heatmap to identify if an operative is travelling from a regional lockdown community.
- Social Distancing functionality has been added to our DataTouch system for use in Daily Briefings, helping manage work area capacities. Users can highlight each company work area, indicate how many workers will be in each area and mark exclusion zones accordingly.

The system is constantly developing to better suit individual clients. If you would like to find out
more information regarding our COVID-19 solutions, please click here or email us at