Digital Logistics Management – Sydney Metro West
How the Gamuda Australia and Laing O’Rourke Consortium logistics team used DataScope’s Delivery Management System to save time, reduce site congestion, and ensure delivery driver and vehicle compliance on the Sydney Metro West – Western Tunnelling Package.
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Gamuda Australia and Laing O’Rourke Consortium were awarded the Sydney Metro West – Western Tunnelling Package in 2022. DataScope were selected to work alongside Select Plant Australia and the project to develop and deploy our Delivery Management System and app across the project. Just over a year later, we caught up with the logistics team to how the project has progressed and how our system is helping.
Gamuda Australia and Laing O’Rourke Consortium (GLC) has been awarded the contract to deliver the Western Tunnelling Package which involves nine kilometres of twin metro rail tunnels between Westmead and Sydney Olympic Park, excavation for two new metro stations, a stabling and maintenance facility at Clyde and a precast facility at Eastern Creek.

The Challenge
With challenging logistics requirements across all five sites, it was important that:
A robust system was in place to ensure the logistics team had clear visibility of all project deliveries
The booking system was simple to use for suppliers
The logistics team could effectively control site congestion
All vehicles and drivers arriving on site were safe and compliant
The Solution
Through a partnership approach with the project logistics team, DataScope worked to enhance our existing Delivery Management System to include enhanced project, data capture and compliance requirements.
The solution includes:

The Result
With a highly engaged project team who were keen to make the rollout a success, the system has now been live for a year and has been key in driving productivity, mitigating site congestion and monitoring performance and compliance.
“Having a delivery management system allows us to go work with certainty as we have a plan for the following day’s activities. DataScope’s Delivery Management System allows us to schedule and juggle deliveries to maximise productivity on site and is a valuable communication and planning tool for our site teams.
The system also provides the project team with detailed analytics which are used to measure productivity, resource utilisation, heavy vehicle and driver compliance.”

DANIEL KELLY – Logistics Project Manager
Gamuda Australia and Laing O’Rourke Consortium
Ensuring driver and delivery vehicle safety & compliance
DataScope developed the system so that users were able to capture, review and approve vital driver and vehicle compliance documents. This included ensuring that all heavy vehicle drivers had completed their Sydney Metro Industry Curriculum Training before being approved on the system and had completed their driver induction.
The team are able to quickly generate compliance reports for an instant overview of driver and vehicle compliance status allowing them to ensure a high level of safety standards is maintained across all sites.
Optimised Capacity Utilisation
The logistics team has full control of individual gate capacity, opening times as well as accepted vehicle types. This means that capacity on site is optimised and congestion is reduced.
Setting up for Success
One of the key driving forces of the success of implementing software on construction projects is ensuring that it works for both the central team and the supply chain. Kelly Royter, Logistics Co-Ordinator, Gamuda Australia plays an essential role in ensuring the system’s continued success on the project.
“The Delivery Management System helps me to ensure heavy vehicle and driver compliance by capturing all of the information in one place. It’s easy to use and that is perhaps one of its biggest benefits as it is vital to my role that suppliers and subcontractors are able to use the system daily to book their deliveries.”

KELLY ROYTER – Logistics Co-ordinator
Gamuda Australia

By carrying out quick training sessions with subcontractors and suppliers, Kelly ensures that the system is used effectively by all and has vastly reduced the need for additional training and support. As a result, almost 15,000 delivery bookings have been made across all sites with activity continuing to ramp up as the project progresses.
Trailer Management
The logistics team worked with DataScope to develop a new feature which allowed them to record and manage trailers separately to vehicles including enforcing a compliance process. This gave the logistics team further control in ensuring safety standards on site.