Construction Site Planning Software

Through years of experience working on some of the most challenging construction projects globally, we understand the importance of connecting all subcontractors with the plan to drive ownership, mitigate issues and foster collaboration. 

That’s why we’ve developed a revolutionary digital toolset that revolutionises both your collaborative planning process and your DABs meetings through powerful interactive software that works for everyone.   

Connecting the Workforce with the Plan

Import Import

Import your P6/Asta directly into DataScope's Collaborative Planning module. 


DABS Daily Briefings (DABS)

Leverage our interactive software, DataTouch to revolutionise Daily Activity Briefings. Mark up an interactive site drawing, highlight tasks, high risk activities, exclusion zones and more. Spot clashes and mitigate risk and delays early. 

Work Plan Weekly Work Plan Session

Empower the supply chain to complete weekly work plans in a consistent format as well as book and apply for required resource, deliveries and permits. 

Last Planner Last Planner Sessions

Transparent, clear reports are generated directly from the software showing all tasks, high risk activities, activity progress as well as variance codes for delayed works.




DataTouch is a construction site planning solution that uses powerful software, built by DataScope, to deliver a range of user-friendly programmes to help with highly-effective planning and management of your project. 

Our range of tools allows teams to effectively carry out the following tasks: 

Green tick icon Look Ahead Planning

Green tick icon Make Ready-Needs

Green tick icon Production Review

Green tick icon Daily Activity Briefings


Discover More




“For all the Construction Managers out there looking for a better way, here it is. I’ve used this system on two back-to-back projects – it’s amazing and brings DABs into the 21st century. Also promotes more engagement , forward thinking and collaboration. Keeps it simple that’s all we want.”

Fin O’Sullivan – Senior Construction Manager, Mace

Key Features 

digital DABS - construction planning software

Plan and manage daily activities, identify high risk activities and areas of conflict between trades.

Dabs construction planning software

Mark and visualise any site exclusion zones directly on the drawing.

DABs software for planning in construction

Add detailed task description to each hotspot, labour, task duration and more. Apply tasks of work to multiple drawings and/or levels.

Driving Real Benefits For Construction Projects Across the Globe

Toolbox talks Improve Communication Between Contractors 

Trades can mark out exactly where they will be working or areas where they have concerns. This allows everyone to visualise and understand how it will affect their own areas of responsibility, and how they affect others across the project. 

Safety Observations Highlight Hazards and Reduce Conflict & Clashes 

By visualising tasks and hazardous activities on an interactive drawing, immediately identify potential clashes or risks and mitigate them in good time. 

Increase productivity Increase Productivity & Reduce Meeting Times

DataTouch electronically stores all records of planned activity to be carried out which saves time when both preparing for a meeting and writing up records afterwards. 

Dashboard Clear & Consistent Reporting

Transparent, clear reports are generated directly from the software showing all tasks, high risk activities, activity progress as well as variance codes for delayed works.