DataTouch at Mace Greenwich Peninsula
Working in partnership with the Mace site team at Greenwich Peninsula, DataScope developed market-first software that has not only cut the time taken to carry out a DABs meeting in half, but also made a significant contribution to improved health, safety & wellbeing on site.

DataScope’s software has contributed to:
- Engaging the entire supply chain in marking their own areas of responsibility and highlighting potential site hazards using interactive software.
- Allowing site managers to identify operatives who have exceeded a specified number of working hours using bespoke reporting functionality, to help manage fatigue and improve overall wellbeing of operatives across the supply chain.
- Using the DataTouch software to create a more planned and controlled approach to all aspects of the delivery of site works, including all works being carried out in risers – therefore reducing health and safety incidents associated with these works and highlighting any trends and exceptions for analysis and action.
- Developing software that has now created a blueprint for future projects.
What did DataTouch do to improve health, safety and wellbeing outcomes?
DataTouch is an interactive management tool geared towards planning health & safety critical site activity and communicating it effectively across the entire site team. When used alongside YellowJacket, DataTouch has become an essential tool in planning health & safety critical activity.
During DABS meetings, contractors use drag and drop “hotspots” to plot their daily tasks of work on an interactive digital site plan on the TV. The software allows contractors to clearly mark exclusion zones and hazards. DataTouch can also be used to assist with the planning of traffic in and out of sites as well as fire routes, by simply using an interactive of site, which can easily be drawn on and changed at any time.
DataScope has developed bespoke reporting functionality that identifies when an operative has exceeded more than a specified number of hours on site. This allows managers to deal with and proactively manage operative fatigue, which has a direct impact on the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of all operatives across site.
The system allows managers to filter the report by date and/or company, allowing the Mace team to identify any trends and work with the trades where operative fatigue may become an issue.
DataTouch has been designed to mobilise the entire supply chain to actively visualise and manage their daily activity, and identify any potential health & safety risk. The ability to get trades to engage with the software to mark out exactly where they will be working or areas where they have concerns allows everyone to visualise and understand how it will affect their own areas of responsibility – and how they affect others across the project.
DataTouch has seen particular significance in its use for the planning of activity being carried out in risers. Riser drawings have been loaded into DataTouch and allow the manager to pinpoint and mark exactly where and when works are to be carried out in the risers, carry out daily audits of planned activity, which in turn has allowed for a more controlled approach to working at height.
The software also has built-in functionality which allows the manager to create a comprehensive DABs report after the meeting that collates all of the information gathered on the software during the meeting and instantly emails it to over 100 stakeholders both across the site, as well as to the senior Mace health & safety team.

What were the results?
Since the implementation of DataTouch, the time taken to carry out a daily briefing meeting has been cut in half. The ability for the software to electronically store all records of planned activity to be carried out each day has eliminated the need for the Mace team to spend a significant amount of time both preparing for a meeting, and write up a report after the meeting.
- Time taken to carry out daily briefing meetings has been cut in half, meaning time saved for every manager on site each day.
- Clear digital record of all site briefings, leaving a secure audit trail
- A digital copy of the daily briefing report is automatically emailed out to over 100 people each day, ensuring no break in communication
- With a limited amount of space, communicating deliveries within DABs has ensured there are no clashes between trades using off-load areas and material movements into site
- Improved communication between contractors
- Has saved time for not only the Mace site team, but also for all of the contractors using the product daily
- Has subsequently been used on further Mace projects in both Holland and Denmark